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Breath Work Healing Bubble with Shannon - Three Week Series starting 4/3 at 5:15pm

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Healing Bubble

with Shannon

Wednesday 4/3, 4/10, and 4/17


The gift of healing in community is that it counters the belief that we are alone in our worries, fears, and doubts, it strengthens our belief in possibility for our own growth, and supports our courage and our hope.


Deep Listening with Self Compassion and Curiosity

Opening the heart to where we are and bearing witness to and expressing gratitude for our healing journey.


Exploring our Inner Landscape 

Shifting our relationship to "difficult" emotions, fears, and doubts.


Activating our Voice

Inviting Clarity, Noticing our intuition, and setting intentions in order to cultivate the authority of our own voice.

Transformational breathwork is a powerful active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body and nervous system of emotional debris. It is deeply cathartic and has the capacity to move and transform stuck emotional energy. Practicing this three-part breath (with the accompaniment of intentional music and while laying down) bypasses the thinking brain, quiets the mind and allows us to drop into our bodies. 

Breathwork offers an opportunity to connect to our life force energy, the loving presence that exists within each of us. It invites us into a non-ordinary state of consciousness where different connections (new neural pathways) and more space can be made for clarity and an expansive love for yourself.

Possible Benefits of Breathwork

  • Quieting the mind and opening the heart

  • Release of stuck or stagnant emotions in the body

  • Increased compassion for self and others

  • Heightened sense of clarity and intuition

  • Connection to our courage and sense of self

  • Decreased anxiety, depression, stress, overwhelm, and confusion

Interested? Here’s Further Infromation!

Where: EmBodied Physical Therapy (1009 ARNOLD AVE, Suite 1B, Point Pleasant NJ)

When: Wednesday 3 Week Series: 5:15pm

How Much: $200

payment plan available - email Shannon at

This is a very limited space – so make sure to reserve your space now if interested!