Moon Magic and Moon Cycle Meditations

Join Us To Connect, Learn and Flow.

In this self paced virtual class with Dr. Emily, you’ll be guided in over an hour of meditations around the female menstrual cycle, connecting with yourself and your body and working with the magic of the moon and more to create safe connections.

Moon Magic Meditations
One time

What you Get:

  • 4 Guided Meditations

    • Each around a different phase of the moon and/or a part of the female cycle

    Guided journey to connect you to your body, womb space and inner season/inner phase.

The Magic:

  • Through using guided journey meditations to connect with your cycle, each woman participating in this magical empowerment can better inhabit their own body and sphere. Integration of mind, body and the medicine that our bodies hold with in.

  • By getting in touch with the physical body, the energetic and spiritual body can have a home to breath, move and flow through. This virtual meditation program was channeled by Dr. Emily to allow for internal (and external) connection with the world around us.

  • The journey meditations help us to manifest our dreams and our realities for a more complete and full connection to ourselves and our planted manifestation seeds.

Moon Magic Meditations
One time